When using the Mail Account Manager, bundled within the Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel you will be able to efficiently and quickly control all of your mailboxes, irrespective of the number of web sites you’ve got. You can quickly filter email accounts, start anti–spam, set email forwarding with merely a mouse–click and set up filters for one’s mailboxes. Because of eTesLa Technologies’s auto–configure scripts, it will be easy to instantly set up your mail client to function with any email address of yours. And that is a modest part of what eTesLa Technologies’s Mail Account Manager can assist you with.


Created to maintain spam away from you

Nobody wants unsolicited mail in his e–mail account. That is why, we have designed a customizable anti–spam solution driven by adequately designed formulas that sort incoming messages and keep the unsolicited e–mail away.

You can select among numerous amounts of safety, determined by which kind of trash messages you get. In addition, you can easily specify a different degree of spam protection for several mailboxes. Lastly, you can pick what happens to e–mails flagged as spam – to be removed or sent to a given email address.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

1–click re–direction of emails

By making use of the Email forwarding tool, you can redirect all the e–mails delivered to a mailbox to another mailbox of your liking (either hosted inside the same hosting account or some other place on the Internet).

To forward an email address, simply select it from the drop–down list and then define the email address that you would like all delivered messages to get delivered to. Then, you are provided with the choice to choose if you will need a duplicate of each and every message to be held in the mailbox which you forward or not.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Arrange your mailboxes without hassles

If you get a considerable amount of emails everyday, it’s essential to keep them sorted. This is why we provide you with server–side email filters that come into action even before you check your mailbox for newly–arrived e–mails. So, in the event you set up your customized spam filters, you will not discover spam inside your mailbox!

Creating brand new e–mail filters is very simple. You’ll need to specify what the filter needs to look for, the place that the filter seeks it (subject, body, etc.) and what happens to the filtered emails.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys and also SPF protection for one’s mailbox

We have taken procedures to help defend all your e–mail accounts from trash activities. With the SPF protection solution you can actually identify the servers which are authorized to deliver mail with respect to your site. This way, e–mail messages looking like they’re from your website that did not originated from your authorized listing of web servers will be quickly thrown to the spam folder.

We’ve furthermore enabled DomainKeys for all the mail accounts in your account. DomainKeys is an email verification system that determines the genuineness of any email message by validating the mail server of the email sender plus the message integrity.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Solution

Speedy PC e–mail setup

With the auto–configure feature of the Mail Account Manager, you are able to configure e–mail accounts in your favored PC mail client with simply a a mouse–click. Simply click on the symbol belonging to the e–mail client that you would like to employ for the chosen email address and get hold of the auto–configuration file. This will automatically configure your mailbox in your desired desktop client.

We’ve added config files for just about the most famous email clients – Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and Mac Mail.

Hepsia File Manager


Connect to your e–mail address using a web browser

When using the webmail software instrument included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can access your mail accounts through every web–connected system across the globe! Employing the webmail address which we give you, it is possible to log into your mailboxes created in our servers by making use of virtually any web browser you’ll have accessible.

Addititionally, there is one other way to access your email accounts online. Simply log into the Web Hosting Control Panel and within the webmail section, select the mailbox you wish to get into and then click the RoundCube icon. This can instantly log you to your mailbox without the need to send any type of logon details.

Hepsia File Manager